The Department of Applied Physics in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of the Aligarh Muslim University became a full fledge Department in January 1988 and prior to this it was part of Applied Sciences Department. The Department consists of 11 teaching and 13 non teaching staff. Apart from their teaching assignment the faculty members are also engaged in research activities.
Till now 29 students have acquired their M. Phil. Degrees and 35 students have obtained their Ph.D. Degrees under the supervision of the faculty members of the Department. Currently 14 students are registered for Ph.D and one student in M.Phil. About 150 research papers have been published in reputed refereed Journals during last five years in International and National Journals. More than 40 students of M.Tech. and Advanced PG Diploma in Nanotechnology dissertations have also been supervised by the faculty members of the Department. Realizing the importance of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology the Department started offering an Open Elective paper on Nanophysics and Nanotechnology in 2003-2004. Striding further in the direction of promoting teaching and research in the area of Nanotechnology, the Department is running the following two new Post Graduate Courses with effect from the Session 2007-2008.